Summer Village of Betula Beach
Land Use Bylaw Review

The Summer Village of Betula Beach has recently begun a project to update
and prepare a new Land Use Bylaw (LUB).

Newsletter #1 - January 2024

The purpose of Newsletter #1 is to provide residents with background information about the project and outline the opportunities for community members to get involved.

A Land Use Bylaw (LUB) is one document among a number of different planning “tools” available to municipalities in Alberta. Every municipality in Alberta is required to have a Land Use Bylaw.

A Land Use Bylaw establishes regulations to control the way land is used and developed. It divides a municipality into different ‘districts’ (or ‘zones’) and identifies what uses are either permitted or discretionary for each district. A Land Use Bylaw also includes procedures for submitting, processing, and deciding upon subdivision and development applications.

The broad purpose of a Land Use Bylaw is to separate uses that might conflict with each other and to protect property owners and residents from uses that may negatively impact the use and enjoyment of their property.

Here are some of the topics the Summer Village is hoping to address in the Land Use Bylaw Update:

• Bed and Breakfasts • Firepits • Sea Cans
• Building Orientation and Design • FireSmart Principles • Site Coverage
• Demolition • Lot Grading and Draining • Suites
• Dwelling Units on a Lot • Parking and Loading • Tourist Homes
• Environmental Protection • Projection Over Yards • Wastewater
• Fences • Recreational Vehicles  




You will have multiple opportunities to contribute your feedback during the project. Once the draft Land Use Bylaw is prepared, it will be available on the Summer Village website for community members to review and provide feedback.

Version 5.3.1
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